From the Slavic resort, it's terrible to take off, for a long time I wanted to go beyond the city, but there was not enough time. Today was the time, but I went to Raygorodok. Walking the fields abundantly covered with loose snow.
He saw a lot of gray ravens, and forty. I saw pheasants for three times, but I never had the opportunity to take pictures. In the middle of the field found the bones and wings of the iceberg, judging by the fact that the bones of the whole, he became a meal for the hawk (the dog would smoke and them). There are no ice sheets on the river Kozenny Torets, so the ice skiers feel good and there are several dozens of them, such a lot of foliage (about half past one hundred days a day).
There were clicks, blue tits, black thrush, plain plain (laiter), bone marrow, met with a flock of chicotnies. It was very pleasing to see the hillock black, and the white plush. Already wanted to come back, but something said that I needed to look, I could see someone. And, indeed, I saw in one place 13 pairs of swans-spurts. Next to them were the foxes.
The walk was pleasant and lucky, and wet feet ... and they have already dried)))
1. Black redstart
2. Hooded crow
3. White wagtail
4. Carduelis flammea
5. Carduelis flammea
6. Mute swan
7. Mute swan
8. Mute swan
9. Coot
10. Mute swan
Хороший, интересный рассказ!:) Красивые фотографии!:)
Супер. Дуже дякую за звіт. Мабуть треба й собі потрохи починати звітувати
Завжди з великим задоволенням читаю Ваші звіти з
чудовими знімками-адже саме вони викликали у мене
зацікавленність до життя птахів, в який із
задоволенням занурилась...
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