

Yellow-legged Gull

Larus michahellis (Naumann, JF, 1840)

Средиземноморская чайка
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2024-01-09 = 2024-09-03
2023-01-04 = 2023-12-31
2022-01-02 = 2022-09-06
2021-01-02 = 2021-12-20
2020-01-01 = 2020-12-31
2019-01-02 = 2019-12-11
2018-01-07 = 2018-12-28
2017-01-04 = 2017-10-24
2016-01-27 = 2016-10-06
2015-08-08 = 2015-11-24
2014-02-06 = 2014-11-17
2013-07-01 = 2013-08-16
2012-08-15 = 2012-09-13
2011-08-08 = 2011-08-24
2010-06-26 = 2010-08-09

2024-09-03 | Odesa region, Fontanka | Igor Samokhin | Larus michahellis

2024-08-24 | Krasnovka, Crimea | Igor Sikorsky | Larus michahellis

2024-08-21 | | Nataliya Pokhodzey | Larus michahellis

2024-07-05 | | Evgeniy Sofronov | Larus michahellis

2024-03-23 | | Andrey Semenov | Larus michahellis

2024-03-09 | | Nataliya Pokhodzey | Larus michahellis

2024-02-14 | Gelendzhik | Aleksandr Breykin | Larus michahellis

2024-02-14 | Gelendzhik | Aleksandr Breykin | Larus michahellis

2024-02-14 | Gelendzhik | Aleksandr Breykin | Larus michahellis

2024-02-06 | | Alexey Sizov | Larus michahellis

2024-02-01 | | Nataliya Pokhodzey | Larus michahellis

2024-02-01 | | Nataliya Pokhodzey | Larus michahellis

2024-02-01 | | Nataliya Pokhodzey | Larus michahellis

2024-01-20 | | Alexey Sizov | Larus michahellis

2024-01-16 | 44.5458568121289238.05994741946314 | Vitaliy Butko | Larus michahellis

2024-01-12 | Primorskiy, Crimea | Igor Sikorsky | Larus michahellis

2024-01-09 | Feodosia, Crimea | Igor Sikorsky | Larus michahellis


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Галина Катанова: черноголовый щегол


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Дмитрий Низовцев: Голоса не подавали, размер не берусь оценивать чуть больше/чуть меньше, субъективно, да и опыта встреч с сосновиками не имею. Единственное, [....]

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