

Common Guillemot

Uria aalge (Pontoppidan, 1763)

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2009-06-26 = 2024-06-25

2024-06-25 | | Evgenia Zotova | Uria aalge

2023-07-05 | Murmansk district | Svetlana Fomicheva | Uria aalge

2023-07-05 | | Alexey Kuzmin | Uria aalge

2022-06-23 | Murmanskaya oblast | Valeriya Danilova | Uria aalge

2022-06-20 | | Andrey Semenov | Uria aalge

2022-05-07 | Barentshavet | Michael Nevski | Uria aalge

2021-07-07 | | Anna Golubeva | Uria aalge

2021-06-17 | | Alexey Sizov | Uria aalge

2021-06-14 | | Andrey Semenov | Uria aalge

2020-07-04 | | Anna Golubeva | Uria aalge

2020-06-20 | | Andrey Semenov | Uria aalge

2020-06-15 | | Andrei Petrov | Uria aalge

2019-07-05 | | Anna Golubeva | Uria aalge

2018-07-07 | Barents Sea | Anna Golubeva | Uria aalge

2018-06-23 | | Marina Nikonorova | Uria aalge

2009-06-26 | Murmansk region | Ilya Ukolov | Uria aalge


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