

Little Owl

Athene noctua (Scopoli, 1769)

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2024-01-05 = 2024-09-16
2023-01-07 = 2023-12-19
2022-01-08 = 2022-11-19
2021-01-02 = 2021-11-22
2020-01-10 = 2020-11-28
2019-02-10 = 2019-11-30
2018-01-21 = 2018-11-25
2017-01-03 = 2017-09-22
2016-03-05 = 2016-12-25
2015-03-22 = 2015-12-16
2012-01-23 = 2012-07-14
2011-02-27 = 2011-08-02
2010-01-29 = 2010-08-15

2024-09-16 | Kayakentskij rajon, Papas | Alexandr Balaev | Athene noctua

2024-09-01 | Bezengi,KBR | Khasan Zhurtov | Athene noctua

2024-07-12 | Repin str., Sevastopol, Crimea | Dmitriy Solomatin | Athene noctua

2024-06-20 | Kyiv | Oksana Makhovska | Athene noctua

2024-06-15 | Kyiv, by the Tiahle lake | Igor Samokhin | Athene noctua

2024-05-18 | Hnidyn. Kyiv Region | Denys Shandar | Athene noctua

2024-05-10 | | Nataliya Pokhodzey | Athene noctua

2024-05-07 | Kayakentskij rajon, Papas | Alexandr Balaev | Athene noctua

2024-04-29 | Dagestan | Svetlana Barabanshchikova | Athene noctua

2024-04-08 | Dubliany, Lviv oblast | Vlad Gedziuk | Athene noctua

2024-04-07 | Turov town surrounding, Zhitkovichi district, Gomel region | Viktor Natykanets | Athene noctua

2024-03-10 | | Alexey Sizov | Athene noctua

2024-01-20 | Kayakentsky district, Dagestan | Andrey Bazdyrev | Athene noctua

2024-01-10 | | Yury Podverbny | Athene noctua

2024-01-07 | | Andrey Semenov | Athene noctua

2024-01-05 | | Andrey Semenov | Athene noctua


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Дмитрий Низовцев: Голоса не подавали, размер не берусь оценивать чуть больше/чуть меньше, субъективно, да и опыта встреч с сосновиками не имею. Единственное, [....]


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