

Ortolan Bunting

Emberiza hortulana (Linnaeus, 1758)

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2024-04-05 = 2024-06-06
2023-04-15 = 2023-09-08
2022-04-20 = 2022-08-27
2021-04-17 = 2021-09-04
2020-04-17 = 2020-08-23
2019-04-13 = 2019-08-12
2018-04-22 = 2018-07-23
2017-04-24 = 2017-09-02
2016-04-22 = 2016-08-25
2015-05-02 = 2015-08-21
2014-03-11 = 2014-08-28
2013-04-30 = 2013-06-09
2012-05-13 = 2012-06-16
2011-04-19 = 2011-06-18

2024-06-06 | Khodosivka. Kiev region | Irina Ortik | Emberiza hortulana

2024-06-04 | North Osetia, Chmi | Dmitriy Shevtsov | Emberiza hortulana

2024-05-15 | | Maria Kuzmina | Emberiza hortulana

2024-05-08 | North Osetia, Chmi | Dmitriy Shevtsov | Emberiza hortulana

2024-05-07 | Kayakentskij rajon, Papas | Alexandr Balaev | Emberiza hortulana

2024-05-05 | 45.128147. 37.040872 | Vitaliy Butko | Emberiza hortulana

2024-05-05 | Kuialnyk | Vlad Gedziuk | Emberiza hortulana

2024-05-04 | Maiskiy, KBR | Khasan Zhurtov | Emberiza hortulana

2024-05-02 | Poltava region, Poltava district, near Lanna village | Denys Davydov | Emberiza hortulana

2024-04-28 | Novovochepshiy khutor, Vochepshiyskoye rural settlement, Teuchezhsky district, Republic of Adygea | Aleksandr Breykin | Emberiza hortulana

2024-04-26 | | Nataliya Pokhodzey | Emberiza hortulana

2024-04-05 | | Alexey Sizov | Emberiza hortulana


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Александр Любимов: Анна, благодарю. Если можно, удалите, пожалуйста фото.


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