

Red-backed Shrike

Lanius collurio (Linnaeus, 1758)

Обыкновенный жулан
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2024-04-23 = 2024-06-22
2023-04-23 = 2023-10-20
2022-05-04 = 2022-10-02
2021-01-10 = 2021-11-03
2020-04-20 = 2020-09-10
2019-05-03 = 2019-10-19
2018-04-20 = 2018-10-04
2017-05-06 = 2017-09-15
2016-05-01 = 2016-09-22
2015-05-03 = 2015-10-20
2014-04-30 = 2014-08-15
2013-05-09 = 2013-08-18
2012-05-18 = 2012-09-05
2011-05-28 = 2011-08-29
2010-06-06 = 2010-07-10
2009-06-15 = 2009-07-04
2008-05-28 = 2008-08-08
2007-05-18 = 2007-06-05

2010-07-10 | Cherkassy | Oksana Raldugina | Lanius collurio

2010-07-01 | Ryazan region, Pronsky area. Russia | Vasiliy Vishnevskiy | Lanius collurio

2010-06-06 | Neklinovsky District, Rostov Oblast, Western Russia, Russia | Anatoliy Kuzmin | Lanius collurio


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Александр Любимов: К сожалению нет. Долго сидела на воде, в полёте её не застал.


Дмитрий Шевцов: Луговой чекан


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