
best photos

House Sparrow

Passer domesticus (Linnaeus,1758)

Домовый воробей

best photos

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© Galina Katanova

© Maya Studzinska

© Alexandr Balaev

© Irina Ortik

© Igor Dvurekov

© Andrey Zhuravlev

© Dmitriy Shevtsov

© Oleksandr Kovalchuk

© Vitaliy Butko

© Alex Komarovskiy

© Igor Dvurekov

© Oleg Martsun

© Viktor Natykanets

© Igor Dvurekov

© Vladimir Stramnoy

© Vitaliy Butko

© Khasan Zhurtov

© Alexandr Balaev

© Inna Kyselova

© Vlad Gedziuk

© Sergei Saveika

© Galina Katanova

© Aleksandr Breykin

© Аnna Filatova

© Аnna Filatova

© Vitalii Kazannyk

© Denys Davydov

© Maria Kuzmina

© Alexey Sizov

© Andrey Mis\'kov

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unidentified birds


Галина Катанова: черноголовый щегол


no any comments:


Дмитрий Низовцев: Голоса не подавали, размер не берусь оценивать чуть больше/чуть меньше, субъективно, да и опыта встреч с сосновиками не имею. Единственное, [....]

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