
best photos

Spotted Flycatcher

Muscicapa striata (Pallas, 1764)

Серая мухоловка

best photos

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© Andrey Kudriavtsev

© Andrey Kudriavtsev

© Andrey Kudriavtsev

© Dmitry Pozharsky

© Igor Shcherbakov

© Viacheslav Kaistro

© Vladislav Iopek

© Natalia Dokashenko

© Yuriy Kodrul

© Dmitriy Golubev

© Oksana Raldugina

© Yura Lyapustin

© Mikhail Kalagin

© Khasan Zhurtov

© Viktor Busel

© Viktor Natykanets

© Stanislavs Gr

© Stanislavs Gr

© Alexandr Baikov

© E.Shchipkova, I.Dmitriev

© E.Shchipkova, I.Dmitriev

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Birds of Tajikistan

Birds of Turkmenistan

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unidentified birds


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Дмитрий Низовцев: Голоса не подавали, размер не берусь оценивать чуть больше/чуть меньше, субъективно, да и опыта встреч с сосновиками не имею. Единственное, [....]


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