340 409
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455 photographed species of 923 (49%)


birdwatching blogs

For birds in a heavenly town

2018-03-24 | Stanislav Martinson

From the Slavic resort, it's terrible to take off, for a long time I wanted to go beyond the city, but there was not enough time. Today was the time, but I went to Raygorodok. Walking the fields abundantly covered with loose snow.He saw a lot of gray ravens, and forty. I saw pheasants for three times, but I never had the opportunity to take pictures. In the middle of the field found the bones and wings of the iceberg, judging by the fact that the bones of the whole, he became a meal for the hawk (the dog would smoke and them). There are no ice sheets on the river Kozenny Torets, so the ice skiers feel good and there are several dozens of them, such a lot of foliage (about half past one hundred days a day).There were clicks, blue tits, black thrush, plain plain (laiter), bone marrow, met with a flock of chicotnies. It was very pleasing to see the hillock black, and the white plush. Already wanted to come back, but something said that I needed to look, I could see someone. And, indeed, I [...... read more ]

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Andreev Timofey
Andreev Timofey
Antropov Stepan
Bazdyrev Andrey
Borodin Andrey
Burkovsky Oleksandr
Butko Vitaliy
Butko Vitaliy
Buyanova Julia
Buyanova Julia
Dudarenko Tatiana
Dudarenko Tatiana
Dyakin Gennadiy
Dyakin Gennadiy
Erokhin Dmitry
Erokhin Dmitry
Fedotova Ekaterina
Fedotova Ekaterina
Fomicheva Nadezhda
Gedziuk Vlad
Gontcharov Aleksandr
Gontcharov Aleksandr
Gorelov Ignat
Gorelov Ignat
Gr Stanislavs
Isabekov Askar
Kaistro Viacheslav
Kalagin Mikhail
Kalagin Mikhail
Kalinskiy Victor
Katanova Galina
Katanova Galina
Kim Natali
Kiselev Andrei
Kiselev Andrei
Kodrul Yuriy
Komarovskiy Alex
Komarovskyi Dmytro
Kozodavov Serhiy
Kozytsky Igor
Kulenko Sergej
Kuzmin Anatoliy
Kuzmin Anatoliy
Lastukhin Albert
Lastukhin Albert
Lavrenchuk Ivan
Leskovski Anatol
Leskovski Anatol
Levy Semion
Malik Ilia
Malygina Olga
Martinson Stanislav
Masalev Alexandr
Masalev Alexandr
Moroz Viktor
Mosienko Vitaliy
Muhin Uri
Natykanets Viktor
Neslukhovsky Ivan
Neslukhovsky Ivan
Nevski Michael
Nevski Michael
Panfilov Nikita
Panfilov Nikita
Pavlenko Elena
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Plotnikova Olga
Plotnikova Olga
Prokopchuk Vadim
Pylypiuk Kostiantyn
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Sapuga Alex
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Shcherbakov Igor
Shcherbakov Igor
Shevchik Andrei
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Shevtsov Dmitriy
Shursha Sergey
Shursha Sergey
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Sizov Alexey
Sizova Maria
Snitsar Oleh
Sofronov Evgeniy
Sofronov Evgeniy
Tkacheva Anna
Tkacheva Anna
Torgachkin Igor
Torgachkin Igor
Travelian Sergo
Ukolov Ilya
Ukolov Ilya
Vedernikov Mikhail
Vedernikov Mikhail
Vishnevskiy Vasiliy
Vishnevskiy Vasiliy
Volkov Sergey
Volkov Sergey
Yakovlev Alexander
Yakovlev Alexander
Yakovlev Alexey
Yakovlev Alexey
Yefanov Sergey
Yusupov Vyacheslav
Zhuravlev Andrey
Zhuravlev Andrey
Zhurtov Khasan
Zhurtov Khasan
Zolotov Alexey
Ефанов Сергей



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rare birds records

Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)

© Igor Sikorsky
Sivash, Crimea

The first nesting of Greater Flamingo on the territory of Russia (for details, see the comments to the photo series).

Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus)

© Khasan Zhurtov

A new breeding species in the Kabardino-Badkar Republic.

Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus)

© Viktor Natykanets
Pripyat river floodplain, Turov town surrounding, Zhitkovichi district, Gomel region

White-winged Lark (Melanocorypha leucoptera)

© Vyacheslav Yusupov

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Big Year 2024

1. Nataliya Pokhodzey (258)
2. Alexandr Balaev (240)
3. Anna Golubeva (240)
4. Andrey Semenov (210)
5. Alexey Sizov (209)
6. Vitaliy Butko (179)
7. Vlad Gedziuk (179)
8. Irina Ortik (157)
9. Denys Davydov (138)
10. Khasan Zhurtov (138)

unidentified birds


no any comments:


Анна Ясько: Тогда сложно сказать... Мне больше средиземноморскую напоминает.


Дмитрий Шевцов: Луговой чекан


Надя Гончарова: спасибо большое!

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