
Best photos of the month, April 2021.

Hoopoe | Alexey Sizov | 40

Eurasian Eagle-Owl | Yuriy Kodrul | 31

Short-toed Snake Eagle | Dmytro Petrychenko | 31

Great Grey Owl | Yuriy Kodrul | 29

Eurasian Pygmy-Owl | Oleg Sheremet | 28

Short-toed Snake Eagle | Dmytro Petrychenko | 26

Great Grey Owl | Yuriy Kodrul | 25

Black-tailed Godwit | Dmytro Petrychenko | 25

Eurasian Three-Toed Woodpecker | Oleg Sheremet | 24

Common Starling | Anna Golubeva | 22

Song Thrush | Anna Golubeva | 22

Bluethroat | Anna Golubeva | 22

Tawny Owl | Dmitrij Andreev | 22

Pallid Harrier | Nikola Zmievskiy | 22

Lesser White-fronted Goose | Family Kuzhel | 22

Eurasian Penduline Tit | Anna Golubeva | 21

Eurasian Eagle-Owl | Yuriy Kodrul | 21

Eurasian Eagle-Owl | Yuriy Kodrul | 21

Redwing | Anna Golubeva | 20

Northern Reed Bunting | Anna Golubeva | 20

Citrine Wagtail | Anna Golubeva | 20

Meadow Pipit | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 20

Water Pipit | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 20

Black-headed Wagtail | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 20

Tawny Owl | Dmitrij Andreev | 20

Red-flanked Bluetail | Leonid Shurov | 20

Western Capercaillie | Yuriy Kodrul | 20

Boreal Owl | Oleg Sheremet | 20

Terek Sandpiper | Oleg Sheremet | 20

Green Sandpiper | Dmytro Petrychenko | 20

Eurasian Wryneck | Dmytro Petrychenko | 20

Great Grey Owl | Yuriy Kodrul | 20

Eurasian Eagle-Owl | Yuriy Kodrul | 20

Corn Bunting | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 19

Yellow Wagtail | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 19

Hoopoe | Vitaliy Butko | 19

Western Marsh-Harrier | Viktor Sevidov | 19

Eurasian Curlew | Viktor Sevidov | 19

Eurasian Whimbrel | Viktor Sevidov | 19

Pied Wheatear | Yevgen Chernolyev | 19

Black-Necked Grebe | Dmytro Petrychenko | 19

Little Ringed Plover | Dmytro Petrychenko | 19

Great Grey Owl | Yuriy Kodrul | 19

Pallid Harrier | Nikola Zmievskiy | 19

Common Chaffinch | Anna Golubeva | 18

White Stork | Anna Golubeva | 18

Great Snipe | Anna Golubeva | 18

Water Pipit | Dmitriy Shevtsov | 18

Common Kingfisher | Svetlana Medvedeva | 18

Boreal Owl | Yuriy Kodrul | 18

Bar-tailed Godwit | Viktor Sevidov | 18

Marsh Sandpiper | Oleg Rozhko | 18

Pallid Harrier | Nikola Zmievskiy | 18

Great Spotted Woodpecker | Anna Golubeva | 17

Common Chiffchaff | Anna Golubeva | 17

Semi-collared Flycatcher | Khasan Zhurtov | 17

Eurasian Jay | Svetlana Medvedeva | 17

Black Redstart | Svetlana Medvedeva | 17

Goldcrest | Mikhail Kuzmin | 17

Blackcap | Alexey Sizov | 17

Northern Hazelhen | Yuriy Kodrul | 17

Greater White-fronted Goose | Viktor Sevidov | 17

Red-throated Pipit | Yevgen Chernolyev | 17

Ortolan Bunting | Vladimir Popenko | 17

Eurasian Penduline Tit | Sergo Travelian | 17

Common Snipe | Sergo Travelian | 17

Eurasian Redstart | Nikola Zmievskiy | 17

European Serin | Dmytro Petrychenko | 17

Little Crake | Dmytro Petrychenko | 17

Great Bustard | Family Kuzhel | 17

Demoiselle Crane | Family Kuzhel | 17

Black Kite | Family Kuzhel | 17

Bar-tailed Godwit | Andrey Mis\'kov | 17

Isabelline Wheatear | Oleg Rozhko | 17

Eurasian Eagle-Owl | Yuriy Kodrul | 17

Great Grey Owl | Yuriy Kodrul | 17

Eurasian Eagle-Owl | Yuriy Kodrul | 17

Big Year 2024

1. Andrey Semenov (274)
2. Alexandr Balaev (264)
3. Nataliya Pokhodzey (263)
4. Anna Golubeva (240)
5. Alexey Sizov (209)
6. Igor Samokhin (181)
7. Vitaliy Butko (180)
8. Vlad Gedziuk (179)
9. Irina Ortik (172)
10. Denys Davydov (160)

rare birds records

Pallid Harrier (Circus macrourus)

© Valery Dombrovski
Gantsevichi district, Brest region

Редко регистрируемый вид

Long-legged Buzzard (Buteo rufinus)

© Valery Dombrovski
Kirov district, Mogilev region

Случайно залётный вид в Беларуси

Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)

© Igor Sikorsky
Sivash, Crimea

The first nesting of Greater Flamingo on the territory of Russia (for details, see the comments to the photo series).

Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus)

© Khasan Zhurtov

A new breeding species in the Kabardino-Badkar Republic.

unidentified birds


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Дмитрий Низовцев: Голоса не подавали, размер не берусь оценивать чуть больше/чуть меньше, субъективно, да и опыта встреч с сосновиками не имею. Единственное, [....]

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