С Зябликами связано много и наблюдений и приключений. Во первых, зяблик получился один раз очень красиво , переливался всеми цветами радуги.Это связано с солнечной погодойВо вторых , удалось снять кормежку птенца зяблика... Редко, кто из моих зрителей отвечает на вопрос : Почему птенец толще папы... Дети на лекции про птиц быстро сообразили, что это связано с запасами для быстрого роста . Птенцу нужно вырасти за лето до взрослой птицыВ-третьих , удалось заснять любовные приключение парочки зябликовВ-четвертых , на кормушке удалось заснять драку [...... read more ]
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It has already become a good tradition for me on January 1, every year, when most people leave for a good New Year's Eve to go to the first bird watching in the new year. This year, like last year, I was in Zhytomyr, so I decided to drive around. Since I was already in most directions, except the northern one, I decided to take a drive in the direction of Korosten. The company was made by my wife and Oleg Martun.In the city, as usual, in the morning one could easily see rooks, shovels of pigeons. At the departure of the city alone sat a gray magpie. As they were leaving the city, it seemed that the birds also had a good game for the new year and did not rush to show. A little while later, they saw the first buzzard sitting on a tree and reluctantly took off when he noticed our interest in it. Also in the fields, and not only, the hooks were constantly spinning. I have to say, I recognized the hook of our day bird by the number of meetings with him. In the second place there were only forty. [...... read more ]
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