birdwatching blogs
2022-07-31 | Ilia Malik
Позавчора, а конкретно 29.07.22, я, близ озер, на турбазі Новоселиця бачив птаху яку в житті й на сайті не бачив. Я не сфотографував ії, але чітко запам'ятав як вона виглядає: Це птаха, більше голубя, із великим розмахом крил, окрас коричневий з елементами біжового, у польоті ії лапи длініше чим хвіст,в неї длинний, острий клюв, та з подбородка звисає кожиця, як у індюка. На обох сайтах (другий окрім цього я маю на увазі я не знайшов цього птаха, дуже хотів би почути його назву [...... read more ]
2022-07-25 | Michael Nevski
A trip for 4 days to Ossetia. Steppe and mountains. Thursday, July 14. The time we arrived to Vladikavkaz the rain started and continued to the night. Though I was going to go to Chmi, I should walk in the town in order not to stay at hotel. Friday. Trip to Balta and Chmi. As buses don't go there in suitable time for me, I arrived there by taxi. At first, and after that to Chmi. In Balta, I walked to meadow, forest and Terek floodplain asking Dmitry about birds that can be met. I hadn't much time for Chmi, and there is a long way to rock martin, so more interesting place was just undiscovered... Saturday and sunday. Went to Cey walley, near Abaytikau. There is a nice pine forest, and higher alpine meadow. Possible to get to Aday-hoh by cable car, after that going on foot higher till the altitude of 2500 meters. On Sunday evening we went back to airport. Great thanks to Dmitry for answers about where, when and which birds can be met. [...... read more ]
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2022-07-19 | Nadezhda Fomicheva
Yesterday, walking in the park, I took a picture of an ordinary new harvest crook.He was in the thicket on the shore of the bay. After walking 50 meters, I saw a bird on the wires. I managed to take only 2 pictures, and even then of poor quality. I tried to identify it at home, and the Internet gave out that it was an ordinary crook. An adult bird. And this means that parents take care of their chicks even when they are already flying well and foraging themselves.The bird on the wire has gray plumage on the head and brown on the back and sides. [...... read more ]